Kinesiology is a powerful tool of transformation on a physical, mental and emotional level. It supports you to gain clarity and embody confidence, to empower you to step into alignment for your future.
My ethos is that when you shift on the inside, that is what creates the changes you want to see in your external life, and that we all have the power to heal and thrive.
Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine, work on the principle of the mind-body connection as they are intimately connected. Our mind and body are always talking to each other and each influences the other. In particular, our mind creates our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and this is what we operate from, this can affect our physical, emotional and mental health.
We all go through trauma (big or small) at some stage in our lives, as humans we tend to soldier on, but we carry these patterns with us, never really processing them, and this can cause stress in your nervous system as your mind and body holds the memory. We tend to react to events around us from old patterning, rather than where we are at currently in our life.
Your body communicates this with you through stress, anxiety, emotional disturbances and other physical ailments.
In a session, we will uncover what is going on below the surface of these conditions, so we can clear the old patterning, emotional stress or belief systems, which in turn support with physical release.
What can I help with?
Anxiety and Mental Health
Going through change
Grief + Loss
Self Sabotage
Difficulty giving and receiving
Money blocks
Emotional blocks
Repetitive thought patterns and constant worry
Relationships and emotional conflicts with loved ones.
Self esteem and self worth
Feeling like you’re not enough
In our sessions together we will discuss what you want for your life, what is holding you back, any health issues, and go over the intake form you will have filled in prior to your appointment.
I use muscle monitoring to discover where there are blocks and imbalances and support you to release these, so you can align with your goals.
You will understand the emotional patterns behind some of your physical symptoms and the key factors that underlie some of the driving forces that take you out of alignment.
Each session is tailored specifically for you and your needs. We work with the Chinese meridian system and acupressure points, brain function, nutritional and hormonal processes, the chakras, as well as vibrational medicine such as energy work, flower essences, crystals and sound, to assist the body to come into balance. A session can incorporate a range of these tools.
THe Benefits
Assists with physical and emotional imbalances.
Calms the body and mind.
Assists you in creating positive choices and new thought patterns.
Increased confidence and an improved outlook on life.
Find clarity and life direction.
Greater self belief and self worth
Improved health and wellbeing, including relief from physical conditions.
Self efficacy with your ability to continue your own self care.
Tools and knowledge on how to manage your stress levels on an ongoing basis.
An opportunity to see how small shifts can have a big impact on your life.
Belief in yourself that you can make and sustain changes, and that anything is possible.
Support as you make these changes with empathy, understanding and respect.
My aim is to create a safe space for you to explore your challenges, and to leave you feeling calm and ready to take on the world, as when the blocks are cleared you move out of the self-sabotage or emotional patterns that hold you back.
My clients find it invaluable, as it gives them confidence and self-belief to move forward to reach for their goals and desires, whether that be in their health, work or personal lives. Not only that, but it gives them clarity, so they can see the pathway forward, and the positive actions needed to get there.
In terms of the physical body, a range of the many concerns that people come to me for are stress, burnout, inability to sleep, anxiety, lack of focus, memory, grief, mental health, as well as other physical manifestations.
When you understand the key factors that underlie some of your physical symptoms you can take steps forward to improve your wellbeing, this, in turn, creates changes in your health or because the emotion has cleared or shifted, the physical symptom simply eases and goes away.
You receive personalised support to gain self awareness, transformative insights, inner ease and a pathway to deeper fulfilment.
Come to the session with an intention of what you would like to shift (although if you don’t have something specific that is okay too).
I find my clients get the most benefit from having an open mind and a willingness to embrace change.
For your comfort, relaxed clothing is recommended.
Make sure you feel grounded before heading out for the rest of your day.
You can journal any insights, and be aware that they might continue to come through in the coming days.
Drink lots of water in the next 48hrs as you will have shifted a lot of energy, and this helps it to continue to clear and move through.
I give you tools to continue to integrate the shifts you have created into your life, and it’s recommended to use these ongoing for the best results.
Everyone is different, and some of my clients have great results in one session, and feel much more focused, grounded and calm, however, to get the most out of Kinesiology I would recommend at least 3 sessions to see the most sustained benefits. It’s good to remember that we are complex beings with many layers, that can take some time to uncover, I find that each session allows you to go a little deeper.
I recommend the 2nd session to be 2 weeks after the 1st session.
The 3rd session is usually 3 - 4 weeks after the second session, and from then you will know more about what you need ongoing. I normally see my regular clients every 4-6 or 6-8 weeks.
I space the sessions out as I give you tools to implement and it gives you the opportunity to work on your own healing in between.
The main difference in an online session is I muscle monitor on your behalf, using my own body.
I ask your permission if I can surrogate for you, which means I can then tap into your field and connect to your energy.
Because everything is energy which has now been proven by quantum physics, our energy is not restricted by time and space. We are all connected and I simply tap into the energy of your vibration with your acknowledgement and permission. When I close the session down, I also close that connection so both our energy fields are free and clear.
As we do in an in-person session, we spend time upfront discussing your goals and intentions, and I muscle monitor and ask you questions throughout. I receive the same knowledge and insights to share with you, and uncover the blocks just as I would if we were in the same room.
To balance I might do some energy work, or get you to hold some acupressure points, or share with you certain techniques that help you shift and clear the emotions or blocks. We close by making sure it has all cleared and that you’re aligned to your goals and intentions.
Make sure you have a stable internet connection and have Zoom downloaded prior to your appointment. If you do have any trouble let me know and I can help you. Your link will be sent in the confirmation and reminder emails.
It is preferred that you have your camera on.
Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed so you can be present during our time together. I also create an intentional space on my end.
The beginning of the session will be seated, and if you prefer you may also like to be in a space where you can lie down during the balance section of the session.
Since you are in the comfort of your own home, you may like to take the opportunity to relax for a little bit longer to integrate the session.
If you have something deeper going on please book this session, or if you have not seen me in the past 3 months.
Available if you have seen me in the last 3 months for a rebalance. If there is something deeper going on please book the 90min session.