Ready To Release Self Doubt And Take Action With Confidence And Courage?
This 10 day program gives you tips to create instant confidence, practices to build self belief, journaling exercises, meditations as well as different techniques to assist you to take action.
This is for people that are navigating change and transformation in their lives, are over being in self doubt and want to build courage to get out of their comfort zone.
Over 8,000 people have gone through this program and created incredible results for themselves.
Are you wanting to create change in your life, but your doubts and fears keep holding you back?
Or has change happened to you, and you’re not sure how to navigate your way forward?
This truth is when you are out of your comfort zone fear is naturally going to arise. Change, even when it’s something you want, can bring up fears and your mind can keep you playing small. Many people stop here, they let the limiting beliefs, fear and old patterning run the show, which keeps them stuck.
However, with a greater understanding of why fear occurs and what happens in your mind and body, you can learn how to take steps forward with confidence and courage.
Build confidence and courage and overcome limiting beliefs as you step beyond your comfort zone and into your maximum potential.
why i created this program
Hi I’m Sacha…
10 years ago, I decided I wanted to change careers, I was a film producer in commercial advertising, and I was always the one promoting others’ creativity and very much behind the scenes!
Stepping into a new role, becoming a facilitator, teacher and practitioner I had to put myself out front and centre, and to be quite honest it was terrifying.
I’d always been a relatively shy person, so the thought of teaching and public speaking in a room full of people, or putting myself out there on social media was a daunting prospect. Yet I knew that if I wanted that career, I had to learn how to do it.
Building my confidence and courage was key, and these are all the tools that I share with you now. They are techniques that I still use to this day when I am evolving and stepping out of my comfort zone in both my business and personal life.
I share them with you now so you don’t hold yourself back, and feel empowered to do whatever your hearts desire.
Learn what confidence is, and why it is an energy that can be cultivated within you.
Gain an understanding of how your brain works when facing the unknown. Why your fears hold you back, and how you can begin to look at them differently, so you can begin to move past them.
Learn where your limiting beliefs come from and how to dismantle them, as well as change the neuropathways of the brain.
You will learn the 3 keys to lasting change.
You will learn how to reframe your thoughts and become the observer of your language
You will reframe your old patterns and begin to change the conversation.
Identify your strengths, and what supports you in your life; and how tapping into these can help you to thrive and feel more confident.
Learn tips for instant confidence. The power of your body language and how it affects the way you feel about yourself.
When you build that inner courage and strength, you can begin to move through anything that comes up with greater ease.
It’s about stepping into your own innate power, so you can show up to life’s opportunities, with authenticity and a sense of flow.
Over 8,000 people have taken this program
10 Audio Lessons - Course Value $222
BONUS - Shift Fear to Excitement Practice $33
Being out in the world with courage and confidence - PRICELESS
In this program you will build your inner confidence and courage, so that you feel supported and empowered to move out of your comfort zone.
It encourages you to step into your potential and to feel grounded in a place of self belief.
You shift into your own inner power, so you can show up to life’s opportunities, with authenticity and a sense of flow and ease.
It aims to leave you feeling ready for anything.
Over 10 days you will learn new techniques to help you overcome your fears and be encouraged to take action.
Feel positive and ready to move forward.