What do we do when life is seemingly not going our way?
Over the past few months, a theme that has been coming up for myself, as well as my clients, is trusting that life is here for me, rather than against me.
There is often a want to control life, to wrangle it to be the way we would like it to be, to resist rather than flow with what is. It could even be a feeling that life is against us, or that we're responsible for events out of our control.
Yet the reality is we don't always have control of our external circumstances, however, we do have possibility in how we roll with life's events, and in how we respond.
How could what is happening in your life be there for you?
Perhaps it's giving you a shift in perspective, a lesson, moving you out of a situation that is not for your highest good into one that is, even if you're not aware of that at the time.
Life and perspective are usually different in hindsight. When I reflect on my most difficult moments, I can see that they have been my greatest gifts.
I have been using the process of mentally offering it up, to surrender the problem, the worry, the rumination over to something higher than myself.
This doesn’t mean you don’t take any action, however, it’s a state of allowing, to not needing to have it all figured out and trusting that life is here for you.
Can you bring in a little more trust and surrender this month. To let go of always having to know, to have it figured out, to move out of control, to move more into a state of allowance and ease.
A little more presence.
Give it a go, and see the difference it can make.
Here is a poem by Jane O’Shea that you may enjoy.
Life Already Knows What It’s Doing
Life is supposed to be a mystery
not a foregone conclusion
You pay your dues for the experience
Not for the set of plans
It’s not an endurance test, a race, a destination
or even an exam where you have to get it right
It is a strange and mystifying adventure
A sacred journey
Life is a pilgrimage
to find the way to your sacred heart
To find the site of your most holy places
And to know the divine and the ordinary
in each and every movement of life
as it tumbles past your door
Life has its own way
to crack open your heart
And allow joy and love
to seep right through to the heart
that hides behind your heart
Give up the struggle
for life already knows what it is doing
Let your heart and soul spill out
into a wild and surrendered existence.